Spiritual Life services
Cultivating Community
what we do
Spiritual Life Coachiing
Life and Spiritual Coaching
Our approach is dependent on the Word of God, the work of the Holy Spirit and the grace of Jesus Christ. Our team is composed of Stephen Ministers, mind-body medicine and life coaching practitioners.
Life and Spiritual coaching focuses on the future, counseling focuses on the past, present and future. As a coach, we will help you identify your goals and work towards achieving these.
We use biblical principles, using scripture to guide you in your journey.
Support for Those in the Last Days or Months of their Life
We are humbled to enter this sacred space of suffering with clients who qualify. End of life care helps the client to live as fully as possible until the person passes away. We offer the opportunity to bring dignity for the process for both client and family.
Our end of life Community Health Workers offer support for the client and a voice for the unique wishes and preferences at end of life. Supporting the family or others who are important to our client is part of the services offered.
We are able to provide these and other end of life care services in partnership with many of our supporters who are committed to providing excellent care in this difficult time in a persons life.